terms of service

Terms and Conditions for Allcapsoff's Art CommissionsThese terms and conditions ("Agreement") govern your access to and use of my website and the purchases of art commissions ("Art") from me. By accessing my website or commissioning Art, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.1. Commission Process and Payments
a. The commission process begins after I send a sketch for approval.
b. A non-refundable down payment of 50% of the total commission price is required to secure your commission after approving the sketch.
c. Full payment will be required before I send the finished commission.
d. Payment methods accepted in order of preference are PayPal, Kofi, Venmo, Cashapp, and other forms of payment like gift cards (please contact me for gift card payment details).
2. Revisions
a. I allow up to 5 revisions during the sketch and lineart phase of the commission process.
b. If additional revisions are requested beyond the initial 5, an extra fee will be charged for each subsequent revision.
c Once the flatcolor stage begins, no alterations to the lineart can be made without an extra fee.
3. Content Limitations
a. I will not draw gore content.
4. Right to Refuse Commissions
a. I maintain the right to refuse any commission for any reason.
5. Commercial Use and Licensing
a. By default, the purchase of Art or character designs transfers ownership to the client, allowing personal use.
b. For commercial use, additional fees apply. The commercial use fee will be calculated as a percentage increase, typically around 125% of the base commission price. The specific percentage increase will be discussed and agreed upon during the commission process.
c. Commercial use is defined as any use of the commissioned Art or character designs for promotional, advertising, or monetary gain purposes, including but not limited to merchandise, publications, websites, or any other commercial endeavors.
6. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
a. I do not accept commissions for the purpose of creating NFTs.
7. No Usage in AI Generators
a. You are not allowed to use the commissioned Art in any AI generators, deepfakes, or similar technologies that alter the original artwork significantly.
8. Turnaround Time
a. Turnaround times for commissions will vary, approximately taking 1-4 weeks to complete. I will provide estimated completion times upon commission approval as well as provide updates about once a week.
9. Last Updated
a. These terms were last updated on July 19, 2023.
10. Contact Information
a. For commission inquiries, please reach out to me on Discord at allcapsoff
b. any social media dms
c. by email (i am much slower to respond) [email protected]
__________my commission process: a
step-by-step guide for what to expect
1. initial consultation:
discuss your vision, preferences, and expectations for the artwork. exchange character reference material if applicable
2. concept sketches:
explore various ideas through rough concept sketches, about up to 3 revisions is common at this stage
3. main sketch:
develop a refined sketch based on the chosen concept
4. color sketch:
introduce basic colors to provide a preview of the color scheme if applicable
5. payment milestone:
a request of a partial payment to commit to the project
6. lineart:
i'll be refining the sketch with clean and detailed outlines
7. background lineart:
create a background lineart layer if applicable
8. background color:
apply base colors to establish the setting, mood and lighting
9. character flat color:
add flat colors to the character- 1 revision is common at this stage to ensure i get every detail correct
10. character cell shade:
introduce shading for depth and dimension
11. character rendering:
enhance shading and highlights for realism
12. payment milestone:
a request of the next payment installment before continuing
13. final details:
polish the artwork with attention to small elements
14. last quality check:
review for consistency and quality
15. sending high-quality images:
approved images can be sent via email, dropbox or directly uploaded via to a character's page.
16. delivery:
deliver the finalized artwork via secure means if its a physical artwork
throughout the process, i'll keep you updated as much as you prefer whether that be no work in progress imahes or every stage of the process. i prefer sharing progress shots and addressing your concerns asap to ensure the artwork matches your vision perfectly. your collaboration and feedback are integral to crafting a perfect puece of art